Archive for LIFE…The Good, The Bad, The Funny

Jokes #11

The 8th Of November (1965)

Jokes #10

Jokes #9

Jokes #8

Jokes #7

Yay coffee!
I’m 5’3″ (160 cm)

Witch Jokes 5

Remember to see the punch line highlight the text below the joke.

What do you call a witch that lives in the desert?

A sand-witch.

What is a witch’s favorite makeup?

A ma-scare-a.

What do you call a fast broomstick?

A vroom-stick.

What does the little witch use to bake her birthday cake?

The easy bake coven.

What do witches’ cats like to have for breakfast?

Mice crispies.

What do you call a dark lord who has been electrocuted? A volt-demort.

The best place to search for information about witches is wicca-pedia.

Witch Jokes 4

Remember to see the punch line highlight the text below the joke.

Why couldn’t the little witch read her spellbook?

It was written in curse-ive.

What did the mother broom say to the baby broom?

It’s time to go to sweep

Why did the witch’s cat scratch her?

Because he was in a bad mewd.

Who made the yellow slick road slippery?

The wizard of ooze.

Witches always fly on broomsticks because they want to make a clean getaway.

Witch Jokes 2

To view punchlines, highlight below each joke question.

What do you learn in witch school?


Someone who does not become a witch until they’re older is a late broomer.

What did the witch get her cat for entertainment?

A cat-alog

How do witches play loud music?

On their broom boxes

How did Harry Potter fix his rashes?

With quit-itch

Witch Jokes

Highlight text to see punch lines.

What do you call an angry witch?


What’s green and rides a broom?

Not a witch, that’s just a hurtful superstition.

What do witches put on their hair?

Scare spray.

Who turns the lights off on Halloween?

The light’s witch.

What do you call witches who live together?


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