Archive for January, 2023

Birthday Policy

Some people are not aware of this policy, but I give out free spell castings OR tarot card readings to anyone who wants one for their birthday.

For the spells: It is a 3-day casting. One spell casting on the day before, the day of and the day following your birthday. It is free to anyone who wants one, simply contact me and let me know which type of spell you’re interested in receiving. I will send you confirmation once I have created your spell and will add it to my casting calendar. All free of charge.

For the tarot reading: It is a three card triple card tarot reading. This means that I will pull three times for each card position.
Card Position 1: Current obstacle standing between you and your main goal.
Card Position 2: How to overcome this obstacle.
Card Position 3: Future outcome if this obstacle is overcome.

Essentially I perform the reading three times to get the clearest possible picture of what is stopping you from obtaining your goals, how to get through this obstacle, and the possible outcome regarding your goal if you overcome these obstacles.

To receive your free spell castings I will need your full name, full date of birth, and what type of spell you would like cast for you. You may also include the names and birthdays of anyone else you want included in the spell if you know those details.

To receive your free tarot card reading I will require your full name and full date of birth, I will also require to know what your current goal is (love, romance, financial security, health, weightloss, social media fame, etc.)

To receive your free spells or tarot reading email:

Or message via Google Chat (formerly Hangouts)