Archive for February, 2022

Witch Jokes 3

Remember to see the punch line highlight the text below the joke.

What did the angry witch do after sitting on her broomstick?

She flew off the handle.

Why are black cats very good singers?

They’re mewsical.

Who was the most famous witch detective?

Warlock Holmes.

Witches can smell brew from far away because they have a very keen sense of spell.

Witch Jokes 2

To view punchlines, highlight below each joke question.

What do you learn in witch school?


Someone who does not become a witch until they’re older is a late broomer.

What did the witch get her cat for entertainment?

A cat-alog

How do witches play loud music?

On their broom boxes

How did Harry Potter fix his rashes?

With quit-itch

Witch Jokes

Highlight text to see punch lines.

What do you call an angry witch?


What’s green and rides a broom?

Not a witch, that’s just a hurtful superstition.

What do witches put on their hair?

Scare spray.

Who turns the lights off on Halloween?

The light’s witch.

What do you call witches who live together?
